My School's Library Logo

Made new logo for library when I'm in 11th grade in vocational high school.


Book is symbol for reading
white color was chosen because it took the meaning of the scout movement that symbolizes the obligation and modesty
the overall sense: the obligation to read

red flame symbolizes willpower and energetic
black torch symbolizes the depth and earnestness
light yellow symbolizes optimism and hope

people symbolizes the spirit and perseverance in pursuit of knowledge
soft blue color gives the impression of trust and technology
dark blue color defines perseverance and fortitude

"PERPUSTAKAAN" font is orange because the color describe warmth and familiarity
combined with green "SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra MALANG" font which symbolizes harmony

library is a vehicle for learning and reading,
with passion and perseverance we will be able to illuminate the reading world,
like a book which is a lght in the darkness.

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